Sunday, April 1, 2007


Flinders, D. J. & Thornton, S. J. (2004) The Curriculum Studies Reader. New York:
Taylor & Francis Books, Inc.

Northouse, P.G. (2007) Leadership Theory and Practice. London: Sage Publications

Radio Video Promotion Clip

Radio: The Movie

Ontario College of Teachers-Foundations of Professional Practice

What Are Ethics?

Radio and Coach Jones Website

Responsibilities of the Team Captain

What Is A Coach?

Enduring Understandings About Leadership

In the movie RADIO, Coach Jones rises above the normal call of duty to bring about significant change in the educational environment and community of Anderson, South Carolina. He does so by using his leadership, power, influence, and ethics. In doing this, he improves the quality of life of the individual named Radio, promotes his acceptance in the school and greater community, and builds bridges of understanding for many people in the community.

There are many connections between Coach Jones’ actions in the movie, and the Educational Leadership course provided this term from Lakehead University. Throughout the term, I have shared and learned much from my fellow graduate students. Please find below enduring understandings that I can conclude from both this research assignment and the course study:

Leaders have a tremendous impact on those they serve.

Leaders do not always know a definitive answer to a question. Sometimes they have to rely on their instincts and experiences.

Leaders can come in many forms. Sometimes they have a positive influence, sometimes a negative one.

Leaders must stand up for what they believe in, for the greater good of all in society.

Trust is an important element in the leader / follower process.

Reflection and introspection are critical to solving issues as a leader.

Maintaining integrity as a leader can help in providing understanding of the bigger picture for followers.

Being a leader is not always easy.

As leaders, we must encourage or support those who cannot advocate for themselves.

Monday, March 19, 2007

Leadership Portrayed in the Film

Leadership is a central theme throughout the movie Radio. Six main characters possess direct leadership positions / qualities that identify each as unique individuals. I will commence this discussion with the secondary characters and their roles, followed by the principal characters and how they portray their leadership role.

Principal Daniels is a leader in the community of Anderson, South Carolina because of the position she holds as Principal of Hanna High. This power base is referred to as ‘Legitimate Power’, and defined in Northouse’s book, Leadership Theory and Practice (2007) as “associated with having status or formal job authority.” (p. 8) Even though she represents the legitimate power base, I feel she is more of a manager in her role as she provides order and consistency for the highschool staff and students. She handles issues of staffing, planning, organization, and budgets. Principal Daniels really does not exhibit any examples of producing change and movement as true leadership would. However, she appears to be well liked and respected in her role.

Coach Honeycutt also plays a leadership role in the movie as a sports coach. As defined by Wikipedia, a coach can be described as “an individual involved in the direction and instruction of the on-field operations of an athletic team or of individual athletes. Coaching entails the application of sport tactics and strategies during the game or contest itself.” ( Coaching in this sense is more a management function than leadership. Coach Honeycutt teaches his athletes the skills and strategies necessary to be successful in their sport. His role can be viewed as having elements of leadership because students look up to him. They value his experience and knowledge, as described by Northouse as ‘Expert Power’.

Frank Clay, the local Bank Manager also holds a position of power in the movie as does Principal Daniels. This ‘Legitimate Power’ in the form of his role as Bank Manager is coupled with a sense of the fact that if Frank Clay needed to be ‘coercive’, he could be. Therefore, I would also say that Frank would used his power, also known as ‘Coercive Power’ to meet his own agenda in terms of his son’s athletic progress. He plays somewhat of a leadership role in the community when the group meets after the football games at the barbershop to discuss how the players did. Also, Frank is the character who instigates the investigation by the school board into why Radio is at the school.

Johnny Clay is the allstar sports athlete at Hanna High. He is well liked and popular among his peers. He has a leadership role on the football and basketball teams as the star who is able to carry through for the team. In the leadership role Johnny Clay has on the sports teams of Hanna High, he also has some responsibilities that go along with it. They include “requiring a sense of leadership, sportsmanship, responsibility and dedication.” ( In many instances, Johnny did not fulfill his role as leader. He actually leads his teammates into bullying and hazing actions towards Radio. He is the key character who lures radio into the girl’s locker room and gets him into trouble as a result. As did his father, I feel that Johnny Clay misused his position to coerce his teammates into inappropriate behaviour against Radio. As Northouse points out, “Leaders who use coercion are interested in their own goals and seldom are interested in the wants and needs of others.” (p. 9) This phrase clearly describes the character of Johnny Clay. He did not consider the effect of the behaviour directed on Radio himself, or on his team members who were punished as a team for the hazing incident.

Radio is a silent leader. He leads by example and the Golden Rule: “Do Unto Others as You Would Have Them do Unto You.” Throughout the movie, Radio goes about his business and does not bother anyone. He is a victim at certain points, as a result of other people mistreating him. He does not hold a grudge against them, but continues to befriend the individuals in his life. One might have the impression that Radio is exceptionally naïve, which may be a result of his having special needs. On a second occasion, when Johnny Clay sends him into the girl’s locker room to get him in trouble, Radio purposely does not ‘rat Johnny out’ when asked by Coach Jones what happened. He takes the rap for Johnny Clay, even though Coach Jones knows Radio is covering for him. Eventually, the people of Anderson, South Carolina accept and welcome Radio into the community. The nicest part of this story is that Radio is a real person, and this is a true story. You can visit the website at .

Coach Jones is an incredible human being. He works as an educator and Head Coach at Hanna Highschool. He is well liked and respected by all; fellow educators and colleagues, community members, and athletes. He has much experience in the field of Coaching. He uses both Referent and Expert Power to lead in the movie. I would say that it could almost considered reverence how he is treated by the members of the community. According to Northouse, Coach Jones holds both “position and personal power”. (p. 7) Coach Jones is a leader in his position as a coach, and by “his capacity to lead as being seen as likable and knowledgeable.” (p. 7)

Northouse defines leadership as “a process whereby an individual influences a group of individuals to achieve a common goal.” (p. 3) Coach Jones does just this. He produces change and movement in the community by establishing direction, aligning people, and inspiring them to change. This is done when he establishes a friendship with Radio and maintains it throughout the movie, despite questioning by family, fellow staff members, and the greater community.

Coach Jones displays situational leadership when he collects Christmas gifts for Radio by means of donations from the community. He saw the opportunity that Radio would otherwise not have many Christmas presents, and used his influence in the community to make an opportunity for him. There are many examples of situation leadership in the film, but I feel that by far, Coach Jones is a transformational leader. Northouse defines a transformational leader as “the process by which a person engages with others and creates a connection that raises the level of motivation and morality in both the leader and the follower.” (p. 176) When the movie begins, I have a feeling that Coach Jones has no idea what he has taken on. Throughout the movie, he rises to the occasion of dealing with questioning and ridicule, as well as dispelling the myths and misunderstandings held by the community about Radio in general.

Kouzes and Posner describe five fundamental practices that enable leaders to get things accomplished. I feel that Coach Jones completed these, albeit somewhat indirectly at first. The five practices include “modeling the way, inspiring a shared vision, challenging the process, enabling others to act, and finally, encouraging the heart.” (Northouse, 2007, 189) Coach Jones took Radio in, gave him love and encouragement, helped to provide for his needs, supported him in the community, and helped to give him a purpose in life. What greater gift can one person give to another?

The Coach had a very strong set of morals and ethics. He had to face something that had very deep roots in the south; that being racial prejudice and prejudice based on disability. Northouse defines prejudice as “a largely fixed attitude, belief, or emotion held by an individual about another individual based on faulty or unsubstantiated information.” (p. 304) This was exactly the situation in Anderson, South Carolina. In order to overcome this circumstance, Coach Jones conducted himself in a way that was both ethical and character based. Northouse describes principals of ethical leadership as being “building community, respecting others, serving others, showing justice, and manifesting honesty.” (p. 350) Even though there were struggles throughout the film, the Coach was able to overcome the prejudice held by the community members, and work towards building a more humane and rewarding life for Radio.

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Theme of Death

The theme of death is evident in the movie as we are introduced to Mrs. Kennedy, Radio's mother. Coach Jones and Mrs. Kennedy are speaking about Radio's father. Mrs. Kennedy shares with Coach Jones that her husband is dead and she is raising Radio by herself. The purpose for introducing death at this point is to help the audience understand why it appears as if Radio is wandering around the streets of Anderson, rather than being taken care of by a doting parent or going to highschool like his age appropriate peers. Mrs. Kennedy, as a single parent, must work very long hours at the local hospital as a nurse to provide for herself and her son. As well, at this point in time historically, there were not many options in terms of the education of individuals with special educational needs. This may have been especially true in the setting of the southern US where this movie is taking place.

Our second appearance of death occurs with the passing of Radio's mother, Mrs. Kennedy. Radio's mother dies suddenly as a result of a heart attack. This is a critical moment in the storyline as Mrs. Kennedy is Radio's only familial support mechanism. Radio has an older brother Walter, but he doesn't live in the same house as Radio anymore. As well, Mrs. Kennedy was Radio's number one fan, always supporting and loving him regardless of his apparent problems. This aspect of death is critical in the the film because it represents a large change in Radio's life from being totally reliant on his mother, to having to rely on other people in his life, such as Walter, or Coach Jones. Coach Jones continues to take Radio into his life, and their relationship is actually solidified as a result of Mrs. Kennedy's death.

Ethical Dilemmas

"Ethics is the study of values and customs of a person or group and covers the analysis and employment of concepts such as right and wrong, good and evil, and responsibility." (

When considering this defintion provided by Wikipedia and the movie Radio, there are fundamental ethical dilemmas that are brought about by the movie's storyline. Throughout the movie, there is a struggle for Coach Jones to do what is right. He has to maintain his values and committment to Radio throughout the movie regardless of what his colleagues, peers, and family members say about his actions. In essence, what Coach Jones was struggling with can be referred to as 'Pragmatics', or the struggle for goodness or virtue. John Dewey, esteemed educational philosopher wrote indepth about the subject. Dewey wrote that "the conception of education as a social process and function has no definite meaning until we define the kind of society we have in mind." (Flinders and Thornton, 2004, 264)

Even though Coach Jones was an educator in the 1970s, his ethical standards are comparable to those held by the teaching profession of Ontario teachers of our day. The Ontario College of Teachers recently revised the ethics document of the College to a revised document entitled the Foundations of Professional Practice (2006). In this document, there are four areas of ethical standards that are described. They include: care, respect, trust, and integrity. When considering these four areas in terms of Coach Jones' teaching practice, he is an exemplary example of each item. Coach Jones cares for Radio, shows him and his family respect, establishes trust, and indeed has integrity. He is committed enough to his purpose to stand up to his community and show by example how others should be treated.

A definite underlying theme of the movie could easily be titled, 'Do Unto Others as you Would Have Them Do Unto You.'

The ethical dilemmas are resolved in a series of events in the movie. Initially, Radio is not accepted by the football team members. As he is present at more practices, he becomes involved and gets to know the team. They in turn also get to know him. Their initial fears about individuals with special needs are beginning to be broken down. Once Radio is brought into school, there are a whole new set of people who must adjust to him being around. This includes educational administration, other colleagues, and students of Hanna High. The more people are around Radio they realise that he is just like the other kids in many ways, and is in no way dangerous to be around. Coach Jones brings Radio into the community on several occasions. They eat at a local cafe regularly, and attend community functions together. These outings again help the community adjust their preconceived notions of who Radio really is.

Issues in the Story Line: Acceptance, Tolerance, and Understanding

Several themes are introduced throughout the storyline. Coach Jones is shown as an authoritarian type teacher / coach who is revered by his students and many people in the community. He is well respected. This general consensus carries through to the sports field and relative games as a result. Historically, people of the town have not questioned Coach Jones' authority or ability as a coach because of his proven track record of being successful for producing a winning team. This element is challenged as Coach Jones develops a relationship with Radio, a mentally challenged teenager. Many of the townsfolk have little understanding or acceptance of individuals with special needs in everyday life, or in the school setting. When Coach Jones brings Radio to the football practices, games, school, and into the community, the community reacts in a variety of ways. Some people immediately question his motives and actions. Other people talk about his decision making ability behind his back, and attempt to take action to fix the problem themselves.

The fact that Coach Jones befriended Radio in a day and age that was facing desegregation, little acceptance of blacks, and heightened fears about people with disabilities, it was a risk-ay thing to take on. Coach Jones' actions invited inspection and criticism from the world around him. The Coach spent some time being introspective about his actions, and explained himself to his wife, Radio's mother, Principal Daniels, and daughter Mary Helen.

The issue of dispelling differences is raised in the movie. On many accounts, the idea that 'we are all God's children' is brought up. Even though Radio experiences bullying, teasing, hazing, and dismissal from many people, he trusts in the relationship he has built with Coach Jones.

Coach Jones struggled in the movie with maintaining his sense of priorities. He wanted to support Radio's development entirely, but was forced on many occasions to push his convictions aside until he could build a community of acceptance in Anderson. Coach Jones used his influence as a community leader to do so.

The issue of maintaining integrity was a central theme in the movie. Coach Jones was a well known and respected individual in the town. On several occasions, Coach Jones stands up to the people who question him, including his wife, Principal, colleagues, and townsfolk. He makes it very clear that he has the right motives in mind. A quote from Mrs. Jones in the movie reinforces this idea when she says, "It's never wrong to care about someone."

The development of the relationship that Coach Jones had with Radio changed his life. Coach Jones was able to make up for a mistake he made in his past, when he left a boy under a porch who needed help. The Coach felt bad for this and tried to make up for it as an adult. He had felt very guilty about leaving the boy under the porch many years before. This sense of guilt helped to motivate the Coach to continue to assist Radio to have a better life.

This helping behaviour that the Coach shared with Radio helped him get over his feelings of guilt. It also allowed him to develop some feelings of adequacy as a careprovider, even though his relationship with his daughter did not improve much throughout the movie. When the Coach shared his feelings with his daughter about the guilt he had harboured, there was a small bridge built to commence the father daughter relationship that previously was non-existent.

These struggles throughout the movie helped to foster an attitude of acceptance in the community for Radio, in his presence at Hanna High and in Anderson. Coach Jones facilitated understanding of differences, and the overall acceptance of Radio. These issues were a pretty tall order for anyone to take on.

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Scene 29

The movie concludes with Radio having to move on to the 12th grade. He participates in the graduation ceremony with the other students. He shares the pride of Coach Jones and family, and the Hanna High family in celebrating his promotion to the 12th grade.

The movie ends by showing the real life person, James Robert Kennedy, or Radio, and the real life Coach Jones. Their relationship is explained, and Radio still assists in coaching at Hanna High up until the date that the movie was released.

Scene 28

Coach Jones begins to question what he has done. Mrs. Jones shows her husband support for the relationship between himself and Radio. Mrs. Jones' response was 'it's never a mistake to care for someone.'

Scene 27

This scene shows the Hanna High basketball team winning the big game. Mr. Clay questions his son for talking to Radio. Mr. Clay makes a comment to his son about 'Not letting anyone or anything getting in his son's way.'

Scene 26

Coach Jones runs into Principal Daniels speaking to Frank Clay, father of basketball star, Johnny Clay. Frank is speaking to the Principal in order to arrange how to remove Radio from the school. Coach Jones becomes aware of this motive and is disappointed in them both.

Scene 25

In this scene, Coach Jones is working with Radio. It shows the Coach teaching Radio to print. This give Radio esteem, confidence and pride in his accomplishment. Prior to this time, Radio did not know how to do this.

Scene 24

This scene is a critical one to the story line. Coach Jones goes to the bank and confronts the bank manager, Frank Clay, for ratting Radio out to the School Board Inspector. They discuss the issue for a few moments, and Frank Clay's response to Coach Jones is this, "It is better if we do things the way we used to."

Scene 23

The School Board Inspector returned to Hanna High. A meeting was called with Principal Daniels and Coach Jones. The Inspector was giving Coach Jones a hard time for having Radio in the school. The questioning was in regards to Radio's inconsistent behaviour.

(this was the result of the incident in the girls locker room)

The Coach's response to the investigation was that 'the school is helping Radio do so well.'

Monday, March 5, 2007

Scene 22

Coach Jones shares a moment with his daughter. Coach Jones tells Mary Helen about a childhood expereince of finding a boy under a porch when he was young. He tells her of how the boy was 'kept there.' He expresses his guilt to her for not letting the boy out.

Scene 21

The scene begins with Mary Helen, Coach Jones' daughter being very upset. She relays a message to the Coach that Mrs. Kennedy, Radio's mom has passed away. Coach Jones goes to Radio. The police are at his house. Radio has torn the place up.

Coach Jones helps Radio deal with the loss. He ensures to Radio that his mom will always be in his heart. Coach Jones tries to offer Radio some comfort and support.

Scene 20

Principal Daniels is shown dealing with complaints about the incident in the girls locker room involving Radio. She questions the predictability of his behaviour. She asks 'Where is he going?'

Scene 19

Coach Jones confronts Johnny Clay, the head jock on the basketball team who set up Radio in the girls locker room. Coach Jones suspends the student from playing in the next game because he was directly responsible for what happened to Radio. The student argues with the Coach, but in the end, he word prevails.

Scene 18

There is an incident. Radio is set up by the jocks on the basketball team. He is sent into the girls locker room by the boys. When he gets in there, the girls scream because he shouldn't be there. He is set up to seem as if he can't be trusted.

As a result, Radio is very upset. In the end, he covers up for the boys because he doesn't want them to get in trouble. Coach Jones eventually finds out about it and says to Radio, 'You're a better man than me.'

Scene 17

Coach Jones speaks to Radio about school. He reassures Radio that he was a good boy to give out the presents. Radio now has a function of helping at school. He makes announcements on the PA system, and is a hall monitor. He seems to be fitting in and enjoying his time at Hanna.

Scene 16

In this scene, Radio 're-gifts' the presents he was given at the Tree Lighting Ceremony. He walks around his neighbourhood passing out gifts to his poor neighbours that were donated to him by friends of Coach Jones.

A police car drives by and Radio is arrested. The policeman is a new cop on the beat who doesn't know Radio. He thinks that Radio is not complying with a request. Once the new policeman brings Radio to the station, the other police realize what has happened and calls Coach Jones to come and help Radio out of the jam he is in.

Coach Jones fetches Radio from the station and gives the arresting cop a dirty look as if to say 'how dare you'. The new cop helps Radio pass out the remainder of the gifts to his poor neighbours.

Scene 15

XMAS: Coach Jones is shown sharing Christmas Cheer with Radio. This brings much joy to Mrs. Kennedy, Radio, and Coach Jones. Mrs. Kennedy thanks the Coach for his generosity and asks him, 'Why are you doing this?' Coach Jones replies, 'It's the right thing to do. He's no problem at all.'

Meanwhile, back at the Jones' home, Mary Helen falls asleep on Christmas Eve waiting for her father to return to the family home.

Scene 14

This scene shows Radio involved with Coach Jones' family. They are having a Christmas tree celebration outdoors in the community. Many people bring gift donations for Radio. Coach Jones' daughter Mary Helen makes a comment that 'people are feeling sorry for him.' (meaning Radio)

This scene is an important one in the movie. It is at this point that Coach Jones recognizes his deficit in his relationship with his own daughter. Mary Helen pipes up and says that she understands that Radio needs the Coach's help more than she does.

Scene 13

A school board inspector arrives at Hanna High. The inspection relates directly to Radio being at the school. The Coach, Principal, and the Inspector are featured. The Inspector argues that 'the school has no experience having a severely retarded man walking down our halls- the risk is enormous.' The Inspector warns the Principal and Coach.

Afterwards, Principal Daniels questions the Coach as to what his motives are for helping Radio. His response was that 'Radio helps with basketball, and he is doing ok.' They reflect together on Radio's progress, and determine that he is doing well.

Scene 12

We meet Radio and Coach Jones at the cafe again. It is very obvious that Radio and the Coach have become friendly and familiar. The level of their relationship is shown, in that it is a good one.

Scene 11

This scene begins with Radio taking the school bus to school. Principal Daniels asks Coach Jones about Radio coming to school. She sets parameters with him. After a few classes, Coach Jones tries to teach Radio to spell his name.

Scene 10

Radio is disappointed about the end of the football season. His mother comforts him. Coach Jones and Hunnicut discuss the possibility of Radio assisting with the basketball team. Coach Jones leaves the decision up to Coach Hunnicut. It is decided, and Radio starts helping the basketball team.

Scene 9

Scene 9 is set in the Barbershop setting. Coach Jones is sharing with his friends the summary of the game. He expresses that he is proud of his boys. One man questions the Coach's ability and suggests that the Coach is distracted by Radio. As a result, the Coach leaves the shop.

There is a suggestion in this scene that there is a disgruntled parent, who is no other than Frank the Banker. He is the father of the lead jock on the football team. It has been implied earlier in the film that the father was ticked off at the Coach for having Radio around. This sentiment is reflected again at the end of this scene.

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Scene 8

This scene shows Coach Jones and Radio sitting in a cafe. They are becoming friendlier. The Coach is viewing Radio as a human being, and is concerned about what will happen to him after the football season ends.

We are shown that people still are questioning Radio being around. He has given away plays, caused the team to have trouble (unsportsmanlike conduct penalties). Despite this unplanned event, the team does turn around the score and takes a win over 'Westside', their opponent.

After the game, Coach Jones thanks the team members by giving them an inspirational talk. He gives Radio the game ball.

Scene 7

We meet Principal Daniels. She is a black, female principal who seems very strong in her role. She speaks to Coach Jones at school about concerns regarding Radio going with them on the trip. She questions the Coach's motives, and asks if Radio is a 'glorified mascot'. She talks to Coach Jones about concerns she has about 'being around a mentally challenged boy'. Principal Daniels says "Folks don't understand yet; but they'll catch on."

Eventually after their discussion, the Coach changes his mind about Radio attending the trip. He told Radio that he couldn't come, and the scene ends with Radio standing in the pouring rain as the football team bus pulls away. Radio stands in the rain listening to the radio and acting out the plays as he hears them called out.

Scene 6

Some comments are shared with Coach Jones regarding Radio participating in the football team events. The Coach speaks to Mrs. Kennedy to see if she minds if Radio goes on a trip with the team. In this discussion, she expresses her concern about the authorities, and "only needing 1 excuse to put him away." Coach Jones feels empathy for her and Radio.

Scene 5

Coach Jones is shown gearing up the team for upcoming games. He introduces Radio to the team as their mascot. He explains to the players his role and tells them that they're not going to have a problem with that. Throughout the practice, some of the team members tease Radio, and make fun of him.

The scene moves on to the next football game for the team. Radio accidentally participates in the game. The fans in the stands start to question why Radio is there.

By participating in the team situation, Radio feels pride, and includes him in a social setting.

Scene 4

We are finally introduced directly to Radio. The Coach approaches him at the fence after a football game and offers Radio water. Following that, he invited Radio to come into the office and have some hamburgers and coke. After entering the office, Radio sees the radio on the counter and is immediately drawn to it.

After they are finished their meal, Coach Jones drives Radio home. He is friendly to him, and works on establishing a relationship with him. When they arrive at Radio's house, we meet Mrs. Kennedy, Radio's mother. Coach Jones introduces himself and explains why he gave Radio a ride.

We learn that Mrs. Kennedy is a supportive, single mother. She is a nurse and has to work long hours. As a result, Radio doesn't have as much supervision as necessary. Her husband has passed away, and her older son Walter does not live at home. Mrs. Kennedy explains Radio's condition to the Coach. We later find out that Mrs. Kennedy has a heart condition.

Scene 3

Scene 3 shows Coach Jones using his expertise and leading his team to victory in a football game. Radio watches him, and the Coach notices him as well. As a ritual after each football game, the locals gathered at the barbershop to discuss how the game went. Everyone puts in their two cents. Some of these people are peers of the Coach, some are townsfolk, and others are parents of the football players. One of the people at the barbershop asks the Coach about his plan to win, and he chooses not to share it.

Scene 2

In the second scene, we are introduced to Coach Jones. He is a prominant highschool football coach at Hanna Highschool. He is well liked, and respected throughout the community. He has a solid reputation for making good decisions, and has past football championships to support his reputation.

In the scene, the football team is practising. There is an emphasis on teamwork. Radio watches the team from afar behind a fence.

The focus of the scene changes to the Coach returning to his own home. We are introduced to his wife Linda, and daughter Mary Helen. The coach uses a phrase with his wife and daughter that said "You work hard, play hard, and then succeed." This seemed to be a life motto that he was discussing with them. The fact that the Coach doesn't relate well to his daughter Mary Helen is shared with the audience.

Some discrimination on the part of the football players was shown towards Radio. The Coach finds his players tormenting Radio. They locked him in a shed with his hands and mouth bound by tape. The door of the shed was shut, with all lights off. The players proceeded to throw footballs against the outside of the shed door. These actions terrified Radio, who had very little communication skills.

Eventually when the Coach realised what was happening, he released Radio, and tried to sooth him. Coach Jones asked the group for an explanation. They were punished for their actions. It was at this point in the movie that the Coach empathized with Radio and began to establish a relationship with him.

Coach Jones meets Radio and apologizes for what happened to him. The Coach invited Radio to come to the football practice. When the Coach returns home that evening, his wife questions his priorities in terms of the amount of time that he spends with the football team, and his attention towards his daughter Mary Helen. We are further introduced to the Coach's daughter Mary Helen. She is a cheerleader at Hanna Highschool, and cheers when her father's football team plays.

Scene 1

The first scene of the movie introduces us to Radio. He is depicted as being poor. He is shown pushing around a shopping cart walking around the town, entertaining himself. His actions imply that he may have special needs. Other people in the community avoid him. He enjoys listening to the radio. A significant point in this scene is that the intolerance of people towards Radio is shown.

Monday, February 26, 2007

Main Characters

Coach Jones (played by Ed Harris)

Coach Jones is a leader, seasoned educator and sports coach at Hanna High. He has a family consisting of a wife and teenage daughter. He is well respected in the community for his professional opinion and expertise in sports. In the past, no one questioned Coach Jones' judgement, until now.

Radio (played by Cuba Gooding Jr.)

Radio is a teenage boy with special education needs. At present, he does not attend highschool as his age appropriate peers do. He is fully grown. He appears to be shy, and most often keeps to himself. He can communicate using basic language but cannot read or write. Prior to meeting Coach Jones, he is never shown with peers, or interacting with other people besides his mother. Radio also plays the role of a leader but in a different respect as compared to Coach Jones.

Mrs. Linda Jones (played by Debra Winger)

Mrs. Jones plays the traditionally historical role of the happy housemaker. She is always available to cater to the needs of Coach Jones when he arrives home from practice or other outings. She is shown completing various domestic activities such as cooking, and sewing. She is the primary careprovider for their teenage daughter. Mrs. Jones supports the activities of Coach Jones, but from time to time can be the voice of reason.

Principal Daniels

Principal Daniels is the Principal of Hanna Highschool. She is a middle age black woman in the southern states. The fact that she is a racial minority and female in this position is unique to the area of the United States and the time period the movie was framed in. Principal Daniels is level headed. She takes her position very seriously. She has a well established relationship with Coach Jones. Mrs. Daniels is initially somewhat fearful of the presence of students with special educational needs in the school. Principal Daniels plays the leadership role as the head of the highschool.


Honeycutt is Coach Jones' coaching partner. Together, they run the athletics department of Hanna High. Honeycutt is the assistant coach of the football team, and the head coach of the basketball team. Honeycutt has a mild manner about him, and respects Coach Jones' judgement. He frequently carries out the requests of Coach Jones without question. Although Honeycutt is not the head of the athletic department, he plays a leadership role in that students look up to him in the coaching realm he fulfills throughout the storyline.

Frank Clay

Frank Clay is the Bank Manager of the bank in Anderson. He is also the father of Johnny Clay, star athlete of Hanna High. Frank is shown mostly throughout the movie as a spectator at the sporting events held by the school. He can be opinionated in questioning the coaching decisions of Coach Jones and Honeycutt during and after sporting events at Hanna Highschool. Frank holds a prestigious position in the community as Bank Manager. This position is associated with the management of money, which relates to prestige and power. He is revered by many folk of the community as they would have to approach him with personal requests for money throughout their lifetimes. Therefore, any relationship with Frank must stay positive or his connection with money at the bank could come back and haunt an individual for a long time.

Mary Helen

Mary Helen is the daughter of Coach Jones. She is a typical teenage girl who also is a cheerleader for Hanna High. She seems well adjusted, and is an only child. She has some friends and is social with them. She does not have a great relationship with her father. She rarely sees him, and he is not in touch with what is happening in her life. Despite the fact that Mary Helen is a cheerleader at the same sporting events that her father coaches at, she does not spend much time with him. Her role in the plot of the story is to show that even though Coach Jones is reknown for his contributions to Hanna High, he has one area of his life that is not perfect; his relationship with his daughter.

Mrs. Kennedy

Mrs. Kennedy is Radio's mother. She is a black, middle aged widow working many hours as a nurse to support Radio and herself. She lives in a small, run down area of the community. Mrs. Kennedy toils in life to make ends meet. She is compassionate towards Radio because of his condition, and does much to protect him. She shows appreciation for Coach Jones' interest in Radio as being sincere and well meaning.

Johnny Clay

Johnny Clay is the highschool jock or sports allstar. He has a cocky attitude that depicts a sense of entitlement. He is the leader of the football and basketball teams. His fellow team members look up to him for leadership and example. They follow him. He is attempting to impress sports scouts throughout the film to earn himself a scholarship to a good university. He is ruthless to achieve his own goals. He mistreats Radio throughout the movie.

Plot Synopsis

Imagine Anderson, South Carolina in the 1970s. Hot, steamy weather, civil rights movements and a focus on desegregation. The movie RADIO is about a teenage boy named James Robert Kennedy, or Radio for short. Radio is mentally challenged. A local high school football coach named Coach Jones meets Radio and they develop a friendship. The movie outlines the development of their friendship, and the evolution of Radio as a human being. The impact of his evolution helps to transform a community. This film is “for anyone who ever had a dream and everyone with the courage to stand up for what they believe in.” (

Video Promotion Clip

Please hit the following link to view a promotional clip from the movie RADIO.